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Finally Understanding What’s Really Going on with Your Energy

Business & Body Balance

 Two caring business women with similar missions to reduce overwhelm and suffering are teaming up to share insight during a powerful program that aims to give you a precise breakthrough in your health and growth.

Navigating changing hormones while growing a business is no joke.

Craving sugar, struggling to feel like you’re in shape, not sleeping well?

Maybe the amount of hormonal headaches you experience are causing you to miss business opportunities or quality time with friends and family?

Having consistent weight gain despite your best efforts to be healthy? 

Have you received a PCOS diagnosis or suspect you have PCOS?

Are you experiencing fatigue that is making it difficult to accomplish the daily tasks needed to run your business?

Have hot flashes and night sweats that have become unbearable?

Noticing a decrease in your libido?

Suffering from heavy, painful periods?

Are you feeling overwhelmed by your life?

Are you a business owner who’s wanting to make a bigger impact, but your body and energy aren’t cooperating?

The scoop is, stress is really messing with our hormones. And our business growth.

Your individual session with Dr. Brea on Zoom to review your test results (Date based on your timing).

A group follow up coaching session on Zoom with Sarah Stokes to review how you’re integrating your strategies (Date: March 2024 TBD).

  • In-person workshop day, lunch, and refreshments
  • Dutch test and processing
  • Plus two follow up sessions:

Ticket investment of $888 covers:

The root cause of your hormonal symptoms.

Create a plan for increased energy and build a foundation so you can actually follow through.

How to tend to your hormones while still keeping business priorities rolling.

What patterns you’ll notice in cravings, libido, digestion issues.

How stress messes with your body on a hormonal level.

How to make room for more vibrant health even when you’re building a business.

What is actually impacting your energy levels.

The full picture of what is happening with your hormones.

You'll learn:

Getting access to this combination would be a $3600+ investment, but through Business & Body Balance: Finally Understanding What’s Really Going on with Your Energy, you’ll get this special combination for an investment of $888.

Root cause is what we care about so you can stop chasing band-aid solutions and actually get relief!

Sarah Stokes will bring should-free business building strategies that will work in harmony with what you’re learning about your hormones so you no longer try to fight your energy, you become partners with it for maximum ease and peace.

Your personal DUTCH test will be interpreted in an hour-long one-on-one session with Dr. Brea Schemenauer, an experienced functional medicine practitioner, who is committed to discovering the root cause that’s keeping you from engaging fully in your life and set you on a path to lasting resilience. 

A day retreat plus follow up sessions designed to help business women get the full picture of what to do next to feel better in your bodies and businesses.

Dr. Brea Schemenauer

Sarah Stokes

Finally Understanding What’s Really Going on with Your Energy

Business & Body Balance:

DUTCH stands for "Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones," and it provides a comprehensive profile of sex hormones, adrenal hormones, and their metabolites. The dried urine samples are analyzed in a laboratory to measure the levels of various hormones, including estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, cortisol, and their metabolites. This provides a more comprehensive view of hormone production, metabolism, and how hormones interact in the body. Once the results are obtained Dr. Brea will interpret the data to identify any hormone imbalances or issues. She can use this information to recommend lifestyle, supplemental, and dietary changes to address any detected imbalances.

The DUTCH test is a type of hormone test used to assess hormonal imbalances in the body.

1/5/24 from 9-3 p.m.

Eau So Fun Parties, 2230 Eastridge Center, Eau Claire, WI 54701

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Finally Understanding What’s Really Going on with Your Energy

Business & Body Balance

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After years of mastering her craft, Dr. Brea combined her chiropractic experience with post-graduate advanced training in Functional Medicine through The Institute of Functional Medicine, The Kalish Institute, and Functional Nutrition Academy has opened the possibilities for healing.

Dr. Brea is passionate about serving hardworking, always-on-the-go women who have been left to push through their suffering. She fiercely defends those who have been dismissed by the modern medical system and offers a compassionate, individualistic approach to finding the true root of their misalignment.

Sarah Stokes is a Business Breakthrough Coach with her company The Juicy Good Life. She loves to un-bury world changers from the mountain of "shoulds" they are suffering under. She believes when business owners have more joy, they have energy to change the world.

Before business coaching, Sarah created an award-winning multi-million-dollar marketing agency that helped clients here at home and around the globe reach ideal candidates to hire for their jobs and helped them grow by shining a light on their brands. She’s been a trusted advisor and even a secret crisis communications expert for corporations and government agencies.

Sarah was a TV anchor for 17 years, 10 of those with her co-anchor and husband. They happily left TV to be with their two young kids and build several successful businesses along the way. Her heart is in philanthropy, and she is most at home when she’s in her pajamas, in the woods, or on her dock with a good book.